Frequently Asked Questions

Would you like to know more about how PerioChip works and how it can help you patients? Check these Frequently Asked Questions to find out more about making PerioChip part of your clinical practice.
What is the clinical indication for using PerioChip?
PerioChip is indicated as an adjunct to RSD for reduction of pocket depth (PD) in patients with adult periodontitis with PD of 5 mm or more. PerioChip should be used as part of a medium to long-term periodontal treatment and maintenance plan.
PerioChip has been studied in pockets of between 5 and 8 mm in depth, and is indicated for use in pockets of 5 mm or more.
How does PerioChip work?
PerioChip is inserted into periodontal pockets with a depth of at least 5 mm after RSD. The periodontal pocket fills with saliva and triggers PerioChip to gradually dissolve completely. This allows free circulation of chlorhexidine gluconate throughout the pocket. 40% of the dose is released within 24 hours; the remaining 60% over the next 10 days killing any remaining bacteria and suppressing bacterial flora regrowth.
Can more than one PerioChip be inserted for a tooth that has more than one pocket?
Yes. In a tooth that has both distal and mesial pockets, a PerioChip may be inserted on each side of that tooth. In the UK there is no limit of maximum chips that can be placed at one time.
Does PerioChip need to be removed?
No. PerioChip biodegrades completely over the period of 7 to 10 days, therefore there is no need to remove it.
Is RSD alone good enough?
RSD eliminates the cause of periodontitis and reduces inflammation. However, it has limited efficacy in pockets deeper than 5 mm. PerioChip is not a replacement for RSD. It is an ideal targeted adjunctive therapy.
Has PerioChip been clinically proven more effective than RSD alone?
The results of clinical studies have shown that patients who were treated with PerioChip (chlorhexidine digluconate) 2.5mg after RSD experienced a statistically significant reduction in pocket depth at nine months versus patients who were treated with RSD alone*.
Why is PerioChip better than Chlorhexidine mouthwash?
Chlorhexidine digluconate mouthwash is effective in reaching surface areas. However, anatomical and mechanical limitations adversely affect the ability of the rinse to reach the site of infection in pockets of 5 mm or greater. PerioChip is uniquely designed to be delivered directly to the target site, at the required depth.
Why is PerioChip preferred over antibiotic therapy?
In general, the use of antibiotics should be limited due to the threat of worldwide antibiotic resistance. PerioChip's 36% antiseptic chlorhexidine digluconate has an antibacterial effect in the pocket for up to 3 months, suppressing bacteria and allowing clinical re-attachment to take place.
In a 6-month study of the PerioChip, microbiological examination by DNA probe of bacteria from periodontal pockets, showed a sharp decrease of micro-organisms presence,
How can PerioChip be used in maintenance care?
PerioChip can be used as part of a periodontal maintenance programme. It should be used after RSD, and the site should be monitored when the patient returns for follow-up visits every three months. At such time, if the pocket is deeper than 5 mm, another PerioChip can be inserted.
How often can PerioChip be inserted?
PerioChip can be inserted once every three months in pockets with probing depth of 5mm or more. PerioChip should be incorporated into routine maintenance (adjunctive) periodontal treatment, which includes good oral hygiene along with RSD.
Does PerioChip have any adverse side effects?
No long-term adverse events have been documented. Chlorhexidine digluconate has a good clinical safety profile although allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis have been reported, but have not been caused by PerioChip.
Depth and Improves Attachment Level Compared With Scaling and Root Planing Alone.JOP 1998; 69(9):989-997.